27 February 2014

SEETA Competition - The World Poetry Day


Every year on 21 March UNESCO celebrates the World Poetry Day. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during the UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999.

According to the UNESCO’s decision, the main objective of this action is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities. Moreover, this Day is meant to support poetry, return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, promote teaching poetry, restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre, dance, music, painting and so on, support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art but one.

SEETA has decided to be part of international efforts to promote the language of poetry and, as an ELT community, is willing to contribute ideas about the role of poetry in the English language classroom.

If you use poetry in teaching or encourage students to read and/or write poetry, we would be glad if you could share your experience with us.

We warmly welcome your posters and/or videos with the accompanying lesson plan. The topic of your teaching material will be Poetry in our classroom. SEETA will publish them on the platform and the posting will be open for discussion.

You may compete in two categories:
(1)   The Best Poster
(2)   The Best Video (not longer than 3 minutes)

Your application should contain: (1) lesson plan, (2) a photo, or photos, of your poster created by students, for the category The Best Poster; a link to your video on YouTube, for the category The Best Video.

The award for the winners in each category will be a free conference fee for their TA's next annual conference. The award will not include travel and accommodation costs.

Please submit your material to the SEETA Projects Corner at seeta.poetryday@gmail.com  not later than 10 March 2014 (23:59 CET). The winners will be announced on 21 March 2014.

26 February 2014

Language Diversity - the 5th ALTE International Conference

Leading experts from around the world will come together in Paris for one of the largest multilingual events for the language assessment community.
The ALTE 5th International Conference in Paris will look at the role multilingualism is playing in promoting language diversity and intercultural communication. Language Assessment for Multilingualism: promoting linguistic diversity and intercultural communication will focus on the key themes of Mobility, Diversity, Intercultural Communication, and Fairness and Quality.
The event will provide a platform for discussion and debate including over 108 presentations – representing 92 institutions from all over the world.  The programme includes a number of presentations from Cambridge English Language Assessment where experts will share research based on the Cambridge English exams which are taken by more than four million people every year in 130 countries.
Sarah Ellis, Head of Assessment Southern Europe from Cambridge English Language Assessment, said:
“Cambridge has the largest dedicated research team of any language assessment body in the world and the ALTE conference enables us to share this research with a wider community and to gain valuable insights from the teaching and testing of other languages. ALTE’s international conferences are incredibly stimulating events for anyone involved in language teaching, learning or assessment. This year the conference will be particularly important because it focuses on an issue that is vitally important in every country.”
The Association of Language Testers in Europe has invited a number of other speakers including five influential voices to give their views on these different strands:
•              Diversity
•              Fairness and quality
•              Intercultural communication
•              Mobility.
The five plenary speakers are: Dr Lid King (Director, The Languages Company, UK); Anne Gallagher (Associate Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy and Director of the Language Centre at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland); Dr Jessica R.W. Wu (R&D Program Director, The Language Training & Testing Center (LTTC), Taipei, Taiwan); David Graddol (Director, The English Company (UK) Ltd, United Kingdom); Bruno Mègre (Head of the Assessment and Evaluation Department at the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP) in France.
The conference will take place in Paris, from 10–11 April, at the Maison Internationale, part of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.
Further information on ALTE Paris 2014: http://events.cambridgeenglish.org/alte-2014/index.html

25 February 2014

BBELT 2014

BBELT 2014: Come and celebrate the art of teaching English!
The "Best of British English Language Teaching” conference (BBELT), organised by the British Council Mexico, will take place on 7 and 8 March 2014 at Gran Melia Hotel, Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City.
  • Keynote speeches with specialists from the United Kingdom, Mexico and other parts of the world.
  • More than 70 presentations and workshops.
  • Displays of educational material.
There is a free, one day course on 6 of March for the first 150 people to sign up for BBELT and confirm their attendance to the free course by contacting Katrin Mader: Katrin.Mader@britishcouncil.org
In addition, register a group of 5 teachers and get a grant so that you can attend BBELT for free. Contact Adriana Sánchez: Adriana.Sanchez@britishcouncil.org
For more information about BBELT 2014, please visit http://www.britishcouncil.org.mx/events/bbelt-2014 or contact Adriana Sánchez: Adriana.Sanchez@britishcouncil.org

24 February 2014

A Seminar with Edward de Chazal and Emma Greenhalgh

We're delighted to let you know that our forthcoming seminar at the Armada House Conference Centre in Bristol and LIVE ONLINE is on Wednesday 26 February, from 1730 - 2030Register your place.

Please note that the live-stream will take place from 1800-2010 GMT.  

It is still possible to register for the live-stream and we have a number of places available to attend in person in Bristol. The seminar is free of charge, and includes a welcome and networking reception for English teachers and practitioners in Bristol. We would be very glad to meet you there.

There will be two 50-minute sessions on innovative ways for teaching EAP:

with Edward de Chazal

Do you believe that authentic recordings are preferable to scripted recordings? 

In this practical seminar Edward de Chazal will explore the nature of academic listening, roles of the listener, and purposes of listening .

with Emma Greenhalgh

Do you actively foster a laughter rich environment in your classroom?

Emma Greenhalgh will examine the extent and function of laughter in university seminars and will discuss possible implications for EAP teaching.

Each presentation will be followed by your chance to ask questions.  Join the conversation during the event on YouTube or on Twitter using #bcseminars

Programme (approx.)

1730 - 1800 

1800 - 1855  

1855 - 1905  

1905 - 2000  

 2000 - 2030

Welcome and refreshments
Listening in EAP: Academic listening as interpreter and recorderwith Edward de Chazal (live-stream starts)

Short break  

Laughter in English as a Lingua Franca in university seminars
with Emma Greenhalgh 

Networking reception in Bristol (live-stream ends)

With thanks and kindest regards,

Melissa, Rebecca, Rhea and Tania

British Council Seminars Team

23 February 2014

The Fire of London Game

              If you wish to explore the history of the Great Fire of London in an unusual way, then you will find this interactive game remarkably effective. 
              Also, the game, which contains valuable information, can serve as a significant teacher resource.  

              The whole project The Great Fire of London has been created by the Museum of London, in partnership with The National Archives, London Fire Brigade Museum, National Portrait Gallery and London Metropolitan Archives.

20 February 2014

17th Century London in 3D

Take a look at the great 3D representation of 17th century London before the Great Fire. This amazing award-winning animation has been made by six students from De Montfort University, in the Crytek Off the Map project. Enjoy!

19 February 2014

12th ELTA Serbia Conference

REGISTRATION OPEN: 12th ELTA Serbia Conference
Faculty of Education, Belgrade, May, 16-17 2014
We are delighted to announce our first plenary speakers:
 Joan Kang Shin
David Evans
Jamie Keddie
Willy Cardoso
 Grant Kempton
Kenn Norris

The world of ELT is constantly changing and we teachers change as well being faced with our students’ growing needs and demands.
As we strive to keep up with the latest trends,we sometimes rely on the modern technology but we often look back hoping to find the key to successful teaching in a traditional approach.
We invite English teachers interested in presenting at the 12th ELTA conference to explore ELT trends so that we could all find the most suitable one, either from the past or the future.

The conference organizers propose talks and workshops on the following topics:
  • Good practices in teaching English
  • The use of modern technology in ELT
  • Teaching young learners and teenagers
  • Teaching adults
  • The 4 skills ( reading, writing, listening and speaking)
  • Project Based Learning
  • Assessment
  • Writing Materials
  • CLIL

Abstract submission deadline: 4 March 2014 (Speaker Proposal Form)
Early bird registration deadline: 11 April 2014 (Registration Form)

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
ELTA team

18 February 2014

A Webinar on Learner Autonomy

Lizzie Pinard - Learner autonomy

This webinar looks at the topic of learner autonomy and suggests practical methods that we can use to encourage our learners to move towards being genuinely autonomous outside the classroom.
Date: 19th February 2014
Theme: Autonomy is undoubtedly an ELT buzz-phrase – many of like to say that we are aiming to foster it in our learners but how do we make the step from telling learners it’s a good idea to actually helping them become autonomous? This webinar considers a range of ways to bridge the chasm between the classroom and the valuable learning opportunities beyond it.
About the speaker: Lizzie Pinard has three years of post-qualification teaching experience, but has worked in classrooms since she was a teenager. She has worked as a language assistant in France, taught various ages and levels in Romania, Indonesia and the UK. She recently completed her DELTA, gaining a triple distinction and she is nearing the end of her MA in English Language Teaching at Leeds Metropolitan University.
As well as teaching, she is interested in creating learning materials, doing research projects and presenting at conferences. 

17 February 2014

A Webinar with Stacy A. Hagen

Title: Trends in Grammar: The Critical Role of Listening in a Grammar Class

Abstract summary: Of the four language skills, listening has received the least attention in English instruction, yet, its role is vital, particularly in the grammar class. Stacy Hagen will talk about recent research in listening, discuss the importance of teaching decoding skills, and show why listening belongs at all levels of a grammar curriculum.

Presenter: Stacy A. Hagen

Stacy Hagen is author/co-author of numerous textbooks in the areas of listening, grammar, writing, speaking, and pronunciation. In 2004, she became co-author of the Azar-Hagen grammar series and has since worked full-time on the textbooks.  Prior to that, she was a classroom teacher for 20 years as well as an administrator and teacher trainer.  In addition to writing, Stacy enjoys creating YouTube videos to help learners around the world understand authentic speech.

Date: March 4, 2014

Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm EST

15 February 2014

Konferencija o upotrebi informaciono - komunikacionih tehnologija u obrazovanju

Prijavite se za učešće u konferenciji o upotrebi informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija u školama

Sa ciljem unapređenja kvaliteta prosvetnog sistema u Srbiji, organizujemo konferenciju posvećenu upotrebi informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT) u sistemu obrazovanja. Želimo da pomognemo nastavnom i drugom osoblju u srpskim školama, kao i svima koji su uključeni u donošenje obrazovnih politika da osavremene nastavni proces i na što bolji način iskoriste mogućnosti koje nove tehnologije pružaju. O ovim važnim temama govoriće se na velikoj nacionalnoj konferenciji u Beogradu, a pratiće je i sajamski program u okviru koga će svoja rešenja predstaviti kompanije iz Srbije i Velike Britanije.
Ovu konferenciju organizujemo u saradnji sa Timom za socijalno uključivanje i smanjenje siromaštva Vlade Republike Srbije, Ministarstvom prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Ministarstvom spoljne i unutrašnje trgovine i telekomunikacija, Britanskom ambasadom u Beogradu, Privrednom komorom Srbije i drugim partnerima. Tehnički sponzor konferencije je kompanija Microsoft. Sponzor prijave za učesnike i mobilne aplikacije za konferenciju je TalkB2B.


„Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju – konferencija o upotrebi IKT u školama“ održaće se u Domu omladine Beograda 25. i 26. februara 2014. Na ovom dvodnevnom događaju biće reči o sledećim temama:
  • Strateški pristup i podrška razvoju upotrebe IKT u školama;
  • Tehnologije i oprema – dostupnost i mogućnosti;
  • Digitalni nastavni materijali i rad uz pomoć interneta;
  • Razvoj kompetencija i profesionalni razvoj nastavnika za upotrebu IKT u nastavi;
  • Inovacije u nastavi uz upotrebu IKT;
Teme će biti prezentovane na srpskom jeziku, a učešće na konferenciji je besplatno. Program konferencije će biti realizovan u više sala. Agendu događaja možete da preuzmete ovde.

Uključite se kao učesnik

Pored predavača, želimo da u debatu uključimo što veći broj učitelja, nastavnika, profesora, direktora škola, načelnika školskih uprava. Nadamo se da će nam se priključiti i školski psiholozi, pedagozi, defektolozi i bibliotekari. Pozvaćemo i roditelje i članove đačkih parlamenata, a svakako bismo voleli da čujemo i mišljenje svih onih koji su na neki drugi način uključeni u sistem obrazovanja – zaposlene u agencijama, zavodima, organizacijama civilnog društva, izdavačkim kućama, kompanijama zainteresovanim za ovu oblast, sindikatima… Razmenom iskustava, predstavljanjem uspešnih primera kako iz Srbije tako i iz drugih zemalja iz okruženja, pokušaćemo da zajedno dođemo do zaključaka koji će pomoći dalje unapređenje našeg prosvetnog sistema.
Ako vas ova tema zanima i želite da učestvujete na konferenciji, posetite naš sajt za registraciju.

Sajamski program

Ovaj događaj će biti izuzetna prilika za sve zainteresovane da se upoznaju sa radom kompanije koje se bave informaciono-telekomunikacionim tehnologijama i obrazovanjem. U sajamskom delu konferencije biće predstavljena hardverska i softverska rešenja i drugi proizvodi koji mogu da se koriste u obrazovanju.

Jednake mogućnosti i različitost

Proces selekcije govornika i učesnika na konferenciji je u skladu sa našom politikom o jednakim mogućnostima i različitosti.

Ako imate pitanja o bilo kom delu programa koji pripremamo, molimo vas da stupite u kontakt sa našim kolegom Aleksandrom Borisavljevićem.

14 February 2014

''IT In English Language Teaching''

ELTA and American Corner have a pleasure of inviting you to the workshops to be held by George M. Chinnery on the topic



Wednesday, 19/02 at 18:00, American Corner Belgrade

Thursday, 20/02 at 18:00, American Corner Kragujevac

GEORGE M. CHINNERY is the Regional English Language Officer (RELO) for Central and Southeastern Europe, based in Budapest. Prior to that, he was Assistant Professor of Faculty Development at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in Monterey, California. Outside of the government, he has also taught, trained and administered  language language progress in academic and corporate and settings, including the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and the McDonald's Corporation. George has been an English Language Specialist, a Senior English Language Fellow and a Peace Corps volunteer, and has worked in Turkey, India, El Salvador, Russia and Romania, as well as in the U. S. His professional interests include the creative integration of technology in language teaching.

12 February 2014

British Council Seminar

Using Literature in Classroom - Seminar with Chris Rose

štovani profesori engleskog jezika,

British Council ima čast da vas pozove na Filološki fakultet dana 21. februara 2014. godine na program stručnog usavršavanja na temu korišćenja književnosti u učionici.

Seminar i radionice koje će voditi Kris Rouz će se održati u Sali Heroja na Filološkom fakultetu na Studentskom trgu 3.


10.00 – 10.30  Registracija učesnika

10.30 – 11.30  Predavanje: ‘What Shall We Do With The Dead?’

11.30 – 13.00  Radionica: ‘How many stories?’

13.00 – 14.00  Ručak 

14.00 – 15.30  Radionica: ‘The Book of Beginnings’

15.30 – 16.00  Podela sertifikata

Talk: ‘What Shall We Do With The Dead?’
One hundred years ago, James Joyce published his first book, Dubliners.  While his reputation may largely be due to the later Ulysses, this collection of stories contains some of Joyce’s most intriguing writing, most notably the story ‘The Dead.’

This talk looks ‘The Dead,’ and the dead – ideas of return, memory and haunting in fiction, how the writing of ‘The Dead’ has reached out across the last century, and how it can be used in a variety of classroom settings.

Workshop 1:  ‘How many stories?’
This workshop will have three short practical activities about using short stories in the language and/or literature classroom. Participants will be expected to engage with their imagination and creativity!

Workshop 2: ‘The Book of Beginnings’
This workshop will consist of a storytelling session in which participants will, if they like, be asked to construct the beginning of a story of their own.

About the Presenter
Chris Rose has worked in language teaching and literature for over twenty years.  He has worked in Italy, Germany, Russia, Syria, Lebanon and Morocco and is currently an associate tutor with NILE in Norwich, UK.   He has published a number of ELT readers with Macmillan and worked on several materials development projects with the British Council.
As C.D. Rose he has written a string of acclaimed short stories, and a book edited by him, The Biographical Dictionary of Literary Failure, will be published by Melville House this autumn.

Kako se registrovati?
Ako želite da učestvujete na ovom događaju, molimo vas da popunite ovaj formularMolimo vas da požurite jer možemo prihvatiti samo ograničen broj učesnika.  Prijava je otvorena do 18. februara kada ćemo sve uspešno prijavljene obavestiti o učešću.
(Ukoliko se formular ne otvori, ukucajte u internet pretraživač sledeću adresu: http://bit.ly/1lU7RN0)

Srdačan pozdrav,

Kristijan Rajković

British Council Srbija